Monday, May 14, 2012

Heat of Fusion

Edothermic Process- is one that absorbs heat from the surroundings.
when I think of endothemic process I think of how when you but something hot in the freezer, when you put something in the freezer it tends to freeze. This is becuase the freezer absorbs the heat.
Exothermic Processs- is one that releases heat to its surrondings.
when I think of exothermic process i think about how if you put something it to the microwave it heats up. This is because the microwave is releasing heat.

Enthalpy(H)- the heat constant of a system at constant pressure.
So the really question is What does this mean and what does it do?
The answer is that it mean it calculates the heat released and the heat absorbed.The smybol for enthalpy is ΔH                                                          
                                                                       Heat of  Fusion

This graph helps when you are doing math problems. It has solid, liquid, and gas. Above those title3es it has the equation to get to your answer for each one.

  • Differentiate between heat and temperature.
The difference is heat is thermal energy transferred from one object to another because of a temperature difference, and temperature is a relative measure of how hot or cold something is measured on a scale, or the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance or object. Temperature is an intensive property, while heat is an extensive property. An intensive property means that the amount of substance present will not change the specific trait.

  • Analyze heating and cooling curves.
Calorimetry, heat of fusion and heat of vaporization calculations.
·         Show how the temperature changes as a substance is heated up.
·         Cooling curves are the opposite. They show how the temperature changes as a substance is cooled down.

if your wonder which textbook i'm getting all my information from here is the link
pictures come from